100 Top SAT Words

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definitions & notes only words
  1. abate
  2. abdicate
  3. aberration
  4. abstain
  5. adversity
  6. aesthetic
  7. amicable
  8. anachronistic
  9. arid
  10. asylum
  11. benevolent
  12. bias
  13. boisterous
  14. brazen
  15. brusque
  16. clairvoyant
  17. collaborate
  18. compassion
  19. compromise
  20. condescending
  21. conditional
  22. conformist
  23. diligent
  24. discredit
  25. disdain
  26. divergent
  27. emulate
  28. enervating
  29. exemplary
  30. extenuating
  31. forbearance
  32. foster
  33. frugal
  34. haughty
  35. hypothesis
  36. inconsequential
  37. inevitable
  38. intuitive
  39. jubilation
  40. lobbyist
  41. longevity
  42. mundane
  43. nonchalant
  44. orator
  45. ostentatious
  46. parched
  47. pragmatic
  48. precocious
  49. pretentious
  50. procrastinate
  51. prosaic
  52. prosperity
  53. provocative
  54. prudent
  55. reconciliation
  56. renovation
  57. restrained
  58. reverence
  59. scrutinize
  60. spontaneous
  61. submissive
  62. substantiate
  63. subtle
  64. superfluous
  65. tactful
  66. vindicate
  67. wary
Created on December 23, 2009 (updated February 13, 2013)

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